Weekly Newsletter

EP#73: Dating For Newbies: Your First S*x Date with Jennifer Ruscin


This podcast is for those that are ready to date.

This might be simple like a coffee or cocktail hour.

It’s a GREAT idea ladies to go dutch so it’s not weird for you.. And there is no obligation to do ANYTHING… even a kiss.

This might also include meeting up to just f*ck.

Today’s episode is the information your momma never taught you - how to talk about:

  1. STI’s / STD’s and sexual health
  2. Sexual preferences - how you like having sex
  3. Non-negotiables / hard no’s

Buckle up - this one is packed full of lots of info in just 20 minutes.



> > > PODCAST EPISODE: https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/JQnWDDdM7xb
