Weekly Newsletter

Unleash Your Mind

A Mind-clearing weekend of bliss


I've been so incredibly in my head these past few weeks as we've gone through the process of selling a home, looking for a new home, a deal falling through, etc.

My emotional roller coaster from this house stuff is insane. I'm blissed out excited. Then broken hearted. Frustrated. Betrayed. Frantic. FOMO set in.

I felt like my brain was going to explode with anxiety.

Now, I normally don't have issues with anxiety and consider myself a really level-headed person.

But mix in walking away from the home my kiddos have grown up in, memories from my last marriage, peri-menopausal hormonal changes, and all of this extra stress... I've been all over the place.

Thankfully my Higher Self set up a weekend of mind-clearing for me with intense nurturing for my body and soul and heart. 


With the assistance of some plant medicine, I was able to be completely in my body, my pleasure, and share a euphoric 5 hours with my girlfriend. We reached new levels of love and gratitude for each other. And I was able to put into perspective that NONE of this "Matrix shit" actually matters.

 Nights 2 and 3 were even more connective and mind-opening...


Night 2:

We had our first overnight with a new girlfriend and spent hours and hours deep in pleasure. Getting to know each other's bodies. Craving more. Finally falling into sleep. Only to wake up ravenous again. This completely sober experience demanded my complete presence as I enjoyed my partners' bodies. Learning what our new girlfriend liked was my utmost priority.


Night #3:

I gifted Scott for his birthday some plant medicine, and an evening of just the two of us, to explore our minds, combine our energies, and explore our bodies. My hands wonder and explore for hours. Our bodies react to the tone and energy of each passing song. Naked and intertwined for about 6 hours, nothing was more present to me than our shared experience.


What I most enjoyed from this weekend was being able to be so completely present with my 3 lovers. 

Out of my head and into my body. Wrapped up and around theirs. 

Not once did a thought about houses, or bills, or work cross my mind.

And now I am able to be fully present back again with my work on this Monday morning.